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BRITA in PuBs project is a Sustainable Energy Europe Campaign Partner

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New culture centre showing 50% energy savings inaugurated in Valby, Copenhagen

Date 2005-11-16 11:58 

On September 3, 2005 Provehallen was inaugurated – a new (completely renovated - retrofitted) sports- and culture centre in Valby, Copenhagen. The predicted heating and electricity consumption will be about half of what they would have been if the energy saving measures introduced by the BRITA-in-PuBs project had not been carried out. The energy saving was reached by a combination of innovative technologies.
On September 3, 2005 Provehallen was inaugurated – a new (completely renovated/retrofitted) sports- and culture centre in Valby, Copenhagen. The building, Proevehallen ("The test hall") was together with the building, Ovnhallen, right next to it, part of an industrial complex - a porcelain fabric. In Ovnhallen the porcelain was manufactured and in Proevehallen porcelain-isolators for the high voltage electricity distribution lines were tested. Proevehallen is an old open hall building constructed in 1930'ies in 1 floor. Provehallen was retrofitted to low energy standards as a demonstration project of the EU-supported BRITA-in-PuBs project.

Proevehallen had not been used for a number of years. It was an empty hall with only a ground floor. Because of its original purpose it had been built as a minimal construction with no insulation in walls and windows and simple single glass metal frame windows. In the renovation process 2 new floors was fitted in, and insulation and new windows installed. The building had been unheated and ventilated solely by the port opening and the windows. Therefore also complete heating and ventilation systems had to be designed and installed.

Energy targets
As there was no energy consumption before retrofit the targets of the energy saving design had to relate to the requirements in the Danish building regulations and the estimated savings compared to a building renovated to these requirements. Complying with the requirements in the building regulations was not a requirement for the renovation as these were valid only for new buildings. The estimated energy savings are 89 kWh/m²/year for heating and 25 kWh/m²/year for electricity. This means that the predicted heating and electricity consumption will be about half of what they would have been if the energy saving measures introduced by the BRITA-in-PuBs project had not been carried out.

Energy saving measures
The energy saving targets was reached by implementing an integrated concept for energy savings and renewable energy utilisation. The energy savings were achieved by additional insulation of the external enclosure of the buildings, low-energy windows and demand controlled mechanical and natural ventilation. Renewable energy is utilised in two systems:
An array of Photovoltaic cells (PV-panels or solar cells) on the south gable wall – with an artist design – and an innovative Photovoltaic/Thermal (PV/T) solar collector which both produces electricity and heat. These combined solar collector/ solar cell panels will be cooled by a heat pump and the heat delivered to the heating plant of Proevehallen.

Further reading
There is further reading about the Provehallen project and the other demonstration projects of the BRITA-in-PuBs projects on the website: At this site you can also register for the project newsletter, which will be issued 4-6 times a year.

More information about the Provehallen project:
Ove Mørck, Cenergia Energy Consultants,

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New culture centre showing 50% energy savings inaugurated in Valby, Copenhagen

On September 3, 2005 Provehallen was inaugurated – a new (completely renovated - retrofitted) sports- and culture centre in Valby, Copenhagen. The predicted heating and electricity consumption will be about half of what they would have been if the energy saving measures introduced by the BRITA-in-PuBs project had not been carried out. The energy saving was reached by a combination of innovative technologies.

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