Insulation and wind barriers could be installed as designed. (March 2006)
Design phase will last till after mid 2005. Technical challenges rising are related to energy efficiency measures and innovative energy supply systems. The challenge of a listed church building is to improve the standard without changing the architectural features. All changes will have to be approved by the Riksantikvaren - the State antiquarian. General drawings and documents showing the proposed measures have been prepared and a presentation to the antiquarian will take place hopefully in January 2006.
Challenges arising were related to the question of whether to introduce vapour barriers and wind breaks in the contrcution as the planned insulation work takes place. Due to fear of moisture forming in the old and very valuable timber construction, the antiquarian authorities, Hol Church and contractor decided to omit vapour barriers and wind breaks. The dense insulation and the cover sheets will function as wind breaks anyway.(June 2006)
Solar thermal and solar electric (PV) in its final negotiation state with the State Antiquarian Authorities. The Bishops office is appearing positive towards finding a location and size for the solar thermal system that can be approved by the Antiquarian authorities.(September 2006)
Design of plants (mainly solar thermal) is going on.
Solar thermal system design proceeding as planned. Will seek separate approval for the installation from the antiquarian authorities.(June 2006)