General Overview
Description of the renovation and its purpose
Renovation is mainly centred around energy renovation (insulation and energy supply). First of all energy need is attempted reduced through heat insulation, air leakage reduction and temperature controls. Secondly an innovative energy supply is proposed, using solar heated air. The planning process of the retrofit measures and how to include renewable energies will start in 2004. The construction phase will start in the end of 2004 / the beginning of 2005. It shall be finished in 2005 / 2006. After that a monitoring and evaluation period is planned. In order to test out some of the sets of solutions on a smaller scale first, a very small church of only under 200 m² main room and with an energy demand of close to 400 kWh/m² will be
used as full scale test facility instead of doing "laboratory" tests for the solar system. The test results will be incorporated in the proposed case study church (Hol church).
Status up to today
After a extended discussion with the Antiquarian Authority the permission to carry out the solar heating system installation at Hol is given after careful evaluation by the Bishop. The argument of the Bishop has been that instead of closing more churches due to high energy bills, some innovation should be allowed.
(January 2007)
Design work phase completed according to plan. BRITA requirements incorporated into design specifications. All insulation works completed. Energy system selection process in its final phase.
Tenders for insulation part worked out and sent out. Antiquarian authorities have approved the planned work. Lowest bid selected. Contract signed and construction work about to start. Solar designs, tenders, antiquarian authorities dialogue, approvals proceeding according to plan. (June 2005)