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BRITA in PuBs project is a Sustainable Energy Europe Campaign Partner


The BRITA in PuBs proposal on Eco-buildings aims at increasing the market penetration of innovative and effective retrofit solutions to improve energy efficiency and implement renewables, with moderate additional costs.

In the first place, this will be realised by the exemplary retrofit of 9 demonstration public buildings in the four participating European regions (North, Central, South, East). By choosing public buildings of different types such as colleges, cultural centres, nursery homes, student houses, churches etc. for implementing the measures it will be easier to reach groups of differing age and social origin. Public buildings can be used as engines to heighten awareness and sensitise society on energy conservation.

Secondly, the research work packages will include the socio-economic research such as the identification of real project-planning needs and financing strategies, the assessment of design guidelines, the development of an internet-based knowledge tool on retrofit measures and case studies and a quality control-tool box to secure a good long-term performance of the building and the systems.

The third main pillar of the BRITA in PuBs project is dissemination. This is divided into a minor part, the training of users and maintenance personnel, and a larger section on publishing the research and demonstration work to different target groups. This will be done in a combination of targeted PR-campaigns and using local, national and international networks such as Energie Cités, the internet and other media, and arrangement and participation in symposia and conferences.

The project will be organised geographically by region and vertically by incorporating the owners of the public buildings, the research team of architects and engineers and the project dissemination networks. The project will be managed via biannual meetings, a steering committee and four subtasks on design, implementation, use and dissemination. A general assembly taking place at the meetings will decide on finance and project alterations, which are prepared for discussion by the steering committee.


Latest news

A European Lighthouse Project with ongoing Public Interest

The final remarks of the project coordinators summarise the various project results including the achieved energy savings at the retrofitted demonstration buildings and the tools and training material developed and the reports and guidelines written during the project phase. A high public interest could be gained on the website and due to articles in journals, tv footages and presentations at conferences.

BRITA in PuBs broadcasted on several TV stations

During the project phase of BRITA in Pubs 4 videos have been made mostly on the demonstration buildings. Besides the wind turbines on the roof of the City College in Plymouth, the Norwegian case studies Borgen Community Centre and the Church in Hol have been the focus of tv documentations on energy efficient retrofits.

Keynote lecture on BRITA in PuBs results at the first ECO-Build Cluster workshop

The 28th of May 2008 the new formed ECO-BUILD Project Cluster from 3 supporting projects organized a workshop in Brussels entitled "Innovative concepts and technologies in the building sector".

Hol church in focus: The successfully retrofitted listed building from 1920 video shot for television broadcasting!

The first one year monitoring result for Hol Church is now available. The result has been anticipated with great interest since a listed building is involved. The challenge has been: What can you do when antiquarian authorities refuses to grant permission to do anything at all?

The BRITA project results presented as Architectural Courses

Courses to train students of architecture in the fields covered by BRITA and the other Eco buildings projects SARA, Eco-culture and Demohouse are designed by the following BRITA partners: Hans Erhorn, Simone Ferrari, Karin Buvik, Euphrosyne Triantis and the Work Package leader Harald N. Røstvik.

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