About Eco Buildings
Greetings fellow reader,
Welcome to our website, eco-buildings. My name is Kieran Hayes from the UK and I am a building surveyor by trade, the part-time I’m somebody that just cares about the environment.

I try and do my bit, such as recycle all our waste products, reduce waste and water, I drive an electric/fuel efficient car, keep home heating to a minimum, and all this kind of good stuff, that we all should be doing to help the environment.
One of the areas where I feel could have a big impact on the environment is the houses we build today. So, I decided to create this blog in my spare time to highlight environmental issues and areas that we can incorporate into building property that will be around for a long time to provide a big impact on saving the environment.
At the moment, I’m really not sure how this website will pan out. I am just dabbling, it is an interest of mine and whether people read my posts and I get visitors, who knows.
Anyway, that’s just a little bit of background about me. If you want to contact me please do so on the contact page, or alternatively you can leave comments on each individual post.
All best
Kieran Hayes